Overnight Camp
“My Camp”
Campers quickly begin referring individually to Hi-Rock as “my camp,” and indeed it will be just that. For many, their relationship with Hi-Rock and the ownership they feel for camp will last a lifetime. Hi-Rock offers programs throughout the year that foster the relationships campers have built with one another and with camp itself during the summer. The sense of belonging experienced as a summer camper at Hi-Rock is powerful and enduring. Once a Hi-Rocker, always a Hi-Rocker!
A Home Away From Home
Camp Hi-Rock provides a “home-away-from-home” environment where campers may stay for one to eight adventure-filled weeks. Our goal is to help boys and girls ages 7-16 grow asĀ individuals, to build their self-esteem while instilling leadership, social and life skills – and to help them have tons of fun in our beautiful Berkshire Mountain environment.
Part of each camper’s day is spent with small, cohesive, single gender cabin or unit groups. Campers enjoy the camaraderie, security, pride, and laughter that come with belonging to such groups under the careful facilitation of trained counselors.
When integrated with the larger camp community, campers relish in the overflowing energy and contagious spirit that run through camp. They have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities made possible by our expansive natural setting and led by our enthusiastic staff.
Our blend of supervised cabin activities of varying sizes and individual choice programs provides a customized experience for younger and older campers alike. We design coaching periods to meet individual needs while developing in-depth skills.
Overnight Camp Dates, Rates and Information
Summer Dates & Rates
RegistrationĀ Information
Transportation Information
If you would like to send an e-mail to your camper or see photos taken during their session please click on the image below. If you are a camper parent, you will receive the registration code and log in information before your camper begins their session. Remember to check back often for photos because they are updated daily.