
2025 Info Sessions & Open Houses Announced

We are so excited to announce our 2025 info sessions, tabling events and open houses!

Looking to learn more about camp or visit our beautiful property? Join us for an in-person or online info session, or one of our camp open houses! You are also welcome to reach out to our team to schedule a private tour at anytime.

We will be hosting in-person info sessions at several branches of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, virtual info sessions via Zoom, on-site Camp Open Houses, and tabling events at the Berkshire Food Co-Op in Great Barrington. Please visit our Info Session & Open Houses page to learn more.

We hope to see you there!

Save the Date: Spring Work Weekend 2025!


Please join us for another great weekend with fellow Hi-Rockers. We’ll be getting camp ready for another amazing summer, tackling some important camp improvement projects, and catching up with our Hi-Rock friends.
Accommodations and meals will be provided. Volunteers who are under 18 who would like to join us must be accompanied by a parent or other supervising adult. Volunteers are welcome for all or part of the weekend. Meals served will include Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. Work projects will conclude Sunday morning by noon. Please use the links below to register.



Create an events dashboard account. Once you have created your account, you will receive details to log into your account. Complete Fall Volunteer Work Weekend Registration.


Log into your events dashboard account. Complete Fall Volunteer Work Weekend Registration.

Have questions? Email Alison at

Current Efforts & Opportunities to Give


As this year comes to an end, we are so grateful to each and every one of you who has contributed to our Annual & Capital Campaigns! There is still time to help us reach our fundraising goals. Learn more about each of our current efforts below, or visit our Current Efforts page.



From just a seedling, great things grow! The Seedlings Foundation has generously offered to match every new pledge or gift to our capital campaign until December 31st, 2024, up to $250,000. Please help us meet the challenge and our $3 million capital campaign goal. Capital pledges may be paid in installments over up to 5 years. To make a one-time gift, please use this link.  To make a pledge to be paid in multiple installments, please use this form or contact Jessica Speer-Holmes at THANK YOU for helping us plant the seed for change!

Capital Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock

The Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock is a capital campaign which seeks to raise $3 million to address critical capital needs at camp.  Our breathtaking natural setting is one of our most valuable resources. It is the primary vehicle for the transformational experiences that take place at Hi-Rock. The Campaign for Hi-Rock will build the infrastructure necessary to complement our extraordinary setting and will facilitate the vital work being accomplished by the members of the Hi-Rock community at camp.

If you are interested in learning more about the “Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock”, please contact Jessica Speer-Holmes at (413) 528-1227 or email us at

Click here to make your gift in multiple installments OR

Click here to make a one-time donation to the Capital Campaign!

New Program in 2025! Global Leaders Camp



Sunday, July 20th – Saturday, August 16th

Join YMCA Camp Hi-Rock this summer as we embark on a new adventure, the Global Leaders Camp (GLC) with the YMCA of Spain! This 4-week long program allows campers to enjoy all that Hi-Rock has to offer, participate in a 2-week leadership program at YMCA Camp Salduero in Salduero, Spain, and experience a week of tourism in Madrid, Toledo, and Segovia.


Campers ages 14-17 who are interested in global citizenship, leadership, social responsibility and more. The Global Leaders Camp includes campers from several camps in the US, Spain, and a number of other European countries. Campers do not need to speak Spanish to participate.


Campers will arrive at Hi-Rock as usual and spend 3 days participating in camp, getting prepared, and building their community. They will then travel to Madrid as a group and make their way to camp in Spain. Following the GLC, campers will have a week of tourism in Madrid facilitated by the YMCA of Spain.


This program will take place during Session 3 & 4 – July 20th – August 16th, 2025

  • July 20th: Campers arrive at Camp Hi-Rock
  • July 23rd: Campers fly to Madrid
  • July 24th: The GLC begins
  • August 6th: Campers travel to Madrid for Tourism
  • August 12th: Campers fly back to US and return to Camp Hi-Rock
  • August 13th: Campers will spend the next few days at camp doing camp activities and closing out the program as a group
  • August 16th: Campers will depart Camp Hi-Rock during traditional camp check-out

The Global Leaders Camp is hosted at YMCA Camp Salduero in Salduero, Spain. Tourism in Madrid is facilitated by the YMCA of Spain. Campers will stay at the Mediodia Hotel with Hi-Rock & Y of Spain staff.


Click here to register OR download the registration form! Registrations received by November 30th will receive a $20 store credit to use during their time at YMCA Camp Hi-Rock.


Contact Alison Irwin at and visit the Global Leaders Camp Website

2024 Fall Volunteer Work Weekend


Please join us for another great weekend with fellow Hi-Rockers. We’ll be getting camp ready for winter, tackling some important camp improvement projects, and catching up with our Hi-Rock friends.
Accommodations and meals will be provided. Volunteers who are under 18 who would like to join us must be accompanied by a parent or other supervising adult. Volunteers are welcome for all or part of the weekend. Meals served will include Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. Work projects will conclude Sunday morning by noon. Please use the links below to register.



Create an events dashboard account. Once you have created your account, you will receive details to log into your account. Complete Fall Volunteer Work Weekend Registration.


Log into your events dashboard account. Complete Fall Volunteer Work Weekend Registration.

2024 Camp Dates & Rates

2024 Overnight Camp Dates & Rates

Overnight Camp Dates

Two-Week Sessions
One-Week Sessions
(If you are looking for a one-week option for a first-time camper, we recommend Week A over Week B)

Session 1

June 23 – July 6 Session 1 Week A: June 23 – 29
Session 1 Week B: June 30 – July 6

Session 2

July 7 – 20 No one-week options available

Session 3

July 21 – August 3 Session 3 Week A: July 21 – 27
Session 3 Week B: July 28 – August 3

Session 4

August 4 – August 17 Session 4 Week A: August 4 – 10

Overnight camp is for campers who are 7-16 years old!

Session 2 is currently full. Please contact to be added to a waitlist.

Overnight Camp Information Links

Transportation Information

Registration Information

Leader-In-Training Program Information: For campers who will be entering 11th grade in the fall

2024 Overnight Camp For All Rates

 Session Length

 Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

 2-week session $2,774 $2,409 $2,245 Financial

1-week session

$1,602 $1,390 $1,275 Financial
Tiered pricing explained below

2024 BOLD & GOLD Expedition Dates & Rates 

BOLD & GOLD Expedition Dates

Appalachian Trail Hiking Expeditions

Ages 12-15 (Entering grades 7-10)
  • June 30 – July 6 (Week 1B) – All gender
  • July 28 – August 3 (Week 3B) – Boys This trip is full for 2024!
  • August 11 – 17 (Week 4B) – All gender

Camp & Hike Expedition

Ages 11-13 (Entering grades 6-8) This trip is full for 2024!
  • July 14 – 20 (Week 2B) – All gender

Canoe Expeditions

Ages 12-15 (Entering grades 7-10)
  • June 23 – 29 (Week 1A) – Boys
  • August 4 – 10 (Week 4A) – Girls

Adirondack Advanced Expedition

Ages 13-17 (Entering grades 9-12) This trip is full for 2024!
  • July 7 – 13 (Week 2A) – All gender

Advanced Canoeing Expedition

Ages 13-17 (Entering grades 9-12)
  • July 21 – 27 (Week 3A) – All gender


BOLD & GOLD Information Links

Program Descriptions and Information

Transportation Information

Registration Information

2024 BOLD & GOLD For All Rates


 Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

1-week trip $1,602 $1,390 $1,275 Financial
Tiers explained below

Tiered Pricing Explained

Camp For All – Our YMCA understands families have different abilities to pay for summer camp. We are committed to making the life-changing experience of summer camp available to all. We have adopted a 4-tier pricing program for our summer overnight camp. Please consider the tier descriptions below and choose the tier that is most suitable for your family.  No proof of financial need is required for tiers 1 – 3. Your selection is confidential and will not affect your child’s experience at camp in any way.


  Tier 1
  Tier 2
  Tier 3
  Tier 4
Most accurately reflects the true cost of camp including, but not limited to, general overhead, equipment and facility maintenance, capital improvements, and staffing. If you are able to pay this amount, please do so. Reflects the basic cost of attending camp including food, staff, program supplies and limited maintenance expenses. This partially subsidized rate is made possible through the efforts of our hard-working volunteers and loyal donors. This tier is a more significantly subsidized rate for families whose children would not otherwise be able to attend camp. It is always our desire to partner with parents in providing a camp experience. Is offered to campers with demonstrated need who qualify for financial assistance through our Strong Kids Campership Program


Introducing: A Mountain of Mystery!

Introducing The Mountain of Mystery! Solve the mystery, save the mountain!

Are you ready to step into a hidden world of magic and mystery? EDventure Quest presents a week-long interactive mystery adventure where Hi-Rock campers take on the role of sorcerers attending a magical meeting. The stars are aligning and the world’s greatest sorcerers have agreed to get together to address pressing magical matters. But not everything is as it seems.

There may be people on this mountain that have their own plans. If these nefarious plots aren’t discovered and stopped it could spell disaster, not just for the society of sorcerers   but the entire world.
Kids will cast spells, solve mysteries, act out scenes and work together to prevent disaster and achieve goals, all while exploring the woods and forging life-long bonds with their fellow sorcerers.

This new & exciting program is only available for campers attending Session 2B! It will run two coaching periods a day for the full five days. Interested in signing your camper up? Follow the instructions below!

To register:
1. On your parent dashboard, click on “Enrollment”.
2. Under children who are already enrolled for 2024, they will see a box that says “Purchase additional options for 2024”.
3. Once you click Purchase Additional Options for 2024, it will bring you through the enrollment questions and enrollment extras selections. Select The Mountain of Mystery enrollment extra.
4. The next step will be the payment screen. Campsite will require a Credit Card or Bank Account for the request to be submitted. If you would like to add The Mountain of Mystery and add it to your payment plan, please email Tanya at
Contact Alison at to learn more! We hope to see you there!

In Memory of Patty Almeida

Here at Hi-Rock, we are saddened to learn of the passing of Patty Almeida. Our thoughts are with her family during this challenging time. Patty was a wonderful member of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA staff and a beloved participant in our annual Women’s Wellness Weekend with all of her friends.

One of her many friends, Bev Bjorklund, has shared her thoughts and conveyance of Patty’s family wishes to honor her life by considering a donation to YMCA Camp Hi-Rock’s campership fund to help send kids to camp.

“Last week we lost a bright star. Our dear friend Patty Mastrianno Almeida passed unexpectedly and far too soon. I must believe her work here was done but somehow it doesn’t feel that way. Her joy, her unconditional love and her spectacular laugh will be missed by so many. My sincerest condolences to her family and her many friends. In her memory, please consider a donation to her beloved YMCA Camp Hi-Rock to help send kids to camp.”

If you wish to give, please click here.

Join our Wilderness First Responder Course this June!

Are you looking to complete more backcountry expeditions this year? Consider getting your Wilderness First Responder certification with Camp Hi-Rock this year! We’ll be running a 7-day course from June 2nd-9th here at camp with food and lodging options available.
The Wilderness First Responder certification is industry standard for professional outdoor guides, ski patrol and trip leaders, or for individuals who want a high level of wilderness medical training for extended personal backcountry trips or expeditions!
Please find our pricing model to the right. Several lodging options are available at camp, and multiple participants from the same organization receive a subsidized rate.
Training and certification provided by SOLO Schools.
Register online on our Family Camp page or contact MackMo at for more information! We hope to see you there!

Family Camp Registration Open

Family Camp
August 19-25, 2024

We are now accepting family camp registrations!

Family Camp Housing Information

We will do our best to honor housing requests through a complete registration form (or online registration) received with a deposit in the order they are received. Returning families will be given priority to reserve the same housing they have had in previous years until January 31, 2024. After January 31, 2024, housing will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Deposits without complete registration forms (or online registrations) will not serve to reserve housing. If multiple returning families have had the same housing in prior years (for example, if two families stayed in the same cabin for different parts of the week in prior years) camp staff will use their discretion, in consultation with the board of directors, to assign housing taking all families’ preferences into account. Lodge space is limited and will be assigned according to the parameters above.

Online Registration

New Group Participants

Create an events dashboard account. Once you have created your account, you will receive details to log into your account. Complete Summer Family Camp Registration.

Returning Group Participants

Log into your events dashboard account. Complete Summer Family Camp Registration.

Paper Registration

Complete the paper Family Camp Registration Form and return to camp by:

  • Mail: YMCA Camp Hi-Rock Attn: Family Camp 544 East Street, Mount Washington 01258
  • Email:
  • Fax: 413-528-4234