Our Biggest Work Weekend Ever
November 3rd-5th saw the biggest work weekend Camp Hi-Rock has hosted to date. 136 volunteers arrived on camp for the weekend and together we were able to complete many projects including:
- Cleaning all the summer camp cabins and getting them ready for winter
- Reorganizing Sara Cooper
- Winterizing the camp office
- Winterizing the ski boats
- Building a rack for the stand up paddleboards
- Getting the gardens ready for winter
- Trimming the vegetation around the dam
- Reflooring the bathroom in the back ward of the infirmary
- Painting the program office
- Cutting down dead trees and splitting them to use as firewood
- Reorganizing storage spaces
- Touching up paint on the outside of the dining hall
- Touching up paint on the Wigwam cabins and Shower House
- Raking and blowing leaves away from cabins and camp buildings
- Dismantling old docks
- Moving the Archery Range and storing targets for the winter
- Building a railing in the shop
- Fixing fences
- and so much more
Thank you again to all of the amazing volunteers who came and helped us!