Please join us for a great weekend with fellow Hi-Rockers getting camp ready for summer, tackling some important camp improvement projects, and catching up with our Hi-Rock friends!
Accommodations and meals will be provided. Children and teens under the age of 18 who would like to join us must be accompanied by a parent or other supervising adult. Volunteers are welcome for all or part of the weekend. Meals served will include Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. Work projects will conclude Sunday morning by noon. Housing with heat is limited and it may still be chilly at that time of the year so please RSVP online.
We’ll do our best to have some indoor projects but there will surely be work to do outside. Please bring warm clothes. We promise to have lots of tea, hot chocolate, and coffee!
Hope to see you here!
YMCA Camp Hi-Rock Staff & Volunteers
New Group Participants- Create an events dashboard account. Once you have created your account, you will receive details to log into your account. Complete the Spring Work Weekend Registration.
Returning Group Participants- Log into your events dashboard account. Complete the Spring Work Weekend Registration.