Current Efforts & Opportunities to Give


As this year comes to an end, we are so grateful to each and every one of you who has contributed to our Annual & Capital Campaigns! There is still time to help us reach our fundraising goals. Learn more about each of our current efforts below, or visit our Current Efforts page.



From just a seedling, great things grow! The Seedlings Foundation has generously offered to match every new pledge or gift to our capital campaign until December 31st, 2024, up to $250,000. Please help us meet the challenge and our $3 million capital campaign goal. Capital pledges may be paid in installments over up to 5 years. To make a one-time gift, please use this link.  To make a pledge to be paid in multiple installments, please use this form or contact Jessica Speer-Holmes at THANK YOU for helping us plant the seed for change!

Capital Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock

The Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock is a capital campaign which seeks to raise $3 million to address critical capital needs at camp.  Our breathtaking natural setting is one of our most valuable resources. It is the primary vehicle for the transformational experiences that take place at Hi-Rock. The Campaign for Hi-Rock will build the infrastructure necessary to complement our extraordinary setting and will facilitate the vital work being accomplished by the members of the Hi-Rock community at camp.

If you are interested in learning more about the “Campaign for Camp Hi-Rock”, please contact Jessica Speer-Holmes at (413) 528-1227 or email us at

Click here to make your gift in multiple installments OR

Click here to make a one-time donation to the Capital Campaign!